With the average cost of a wedding exceeding $25,000, excluding the honeymoon, more Americans are choosing affordable financing with unsecured personal loans.

Honeymoon Loans

There's a reason it's custom for newlyweds to enjoy a honeymoon after their wedding. Planning for your wedding could take months or even years. The only way to relax after that much time of constant wedding related parties, family gatherings, bridesmaid's meetings, and shopping is escaping to a private destination with your new spouse. It will be one of the only times your cell phone will not be ringing off the hook.

However, not all couples can afford a honeymoon after having put everything into their wedding. Luckily, honeymoon financing is available.

With WeddingLender Honeymoon Loans you don't have to deprive yourself of a honeymoon because of expenses. Together, you and WeddingLender can get you two on the cruise ship to the Bahamas, on the plane to the Grand Canyon, or that all-inclusive resort all your married friends talk about. WeddingLender Honeymoon Loans are exclusively available for soon to be newlyweds or just married couples.

Don't play the credit card hidden fees game. Our quick online honeymoon loan application lets you review your low rate before you even submit it! You approve your own repayment timeframe and your credit history is only affected if you decide to accept a loan offer.

Ready to finance your honeymoon?
Doesn't hurt credit score
Get started now

WeddingLender Financial Services:

Wedding expenses can be difficult to track, but our loans can finance the catering, dresses, entertainment, travel, venue rental - and more. In addition to standard wedding loans, WeddingLender offers engagement ring loans, honeymoon loans, and even baby & adoption loans to give couples the opportunity to refinance.

Applying for any WeddingLender loan can allow you to pay for all your wedding bills from one source. No credit card juggling, no early repayment penalties, and your interest rate will never change. Learn about the loan interest rates or use our simple loan payment calculator to estimate total cost and monthly payments.

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